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The Health Benefits of IV Therapy for Seniors


Many of our elderly loved ones require help to address their needs. Some have difficulties taking medications for their health, while others are physically impaired and require daily assistance with activities like taking medication. To address this, we offer IV therapy as part of our skilled nursing services.

As a reputable provider of senior care in Jupiter, Florida, we will discuss the health benefits of IV therapy for older adults:

  • Treat Dehydration

    As a provider of in-home care in Florida, we offer IV therapy to help treat dehydration which can help speed up recovery. It provides seniors with the fluids they need, so they are not prone to bladder-related complications and constipation. It also provides essential nutrients to prevent unhealthy weight loss.

  • Boost Immune Function

    IV therapy improves overall well-being by strengthening the immune system. It is also a faster and more efficient way to deliver vitamins and nutrients to the body. It boosts the immune system making seniors less susceptible to infection and disease.

  • Address Upset Digestive System

    IV therapy can also reduce digestive upset. Since the treatment bypasses the digestive system, seniors can avoid the side effects of oral medications. IV fluids are also administered at a controlled amount, so the dosage is always correct.

Alpha Allied Home Care, Inc. is a leading home health care agency offering nursing services to help you or your loved ones reclaim independence. As part of our nursing services, we offer in-home IV therapy. Reach out to us for inquiries about our services and other ways we can help facilitate healthy aging at home.

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